About MG Electrology

Discover a serene oasis where you can unwind and savor the beauty and smoothness of your skin during your electrology session.

I’m so happy I found Melissa she’s very Thorough also great at explaining the process...
Rianna S
Denver, Colorado

What is Electrology?

Electrology is the only FDA- approved method for permanent hair removal that is safe for ALL skin tones. Because electrolysis permanently destroys the growth cells in the hair follicle, the hair will not grow  back. Unlike laser, electrology will permanently remove unwanted or stubborn hair and can be safely performed on tattooed skin. 

What causes unwanted hair?

Heredity and hormonal changes are important factors which contribute to hair growth. Androgen hormones are directly responsible for hair growth in both men and women. Normal changes in the hormonal system occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause which may increase the level of androgens resulting in new growth on the body or face. Certain medications can also disrupt the delicate endocrine balance and produced unwanted hair. Stress can stimulate the adrenal glands to initiate a hormonal reaction that can cause finer vellus hairs to become terminal hairs which are coarse and thicker.

There are also what’s considered abnormal hormonal shifts in women that trigger unwanted hair growth. Hirsutism is a condition that results in dark coarse hairs on the body where men typically grow hair like the  face, chest and back. Hirsutism can be caused by any of the following conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Cushing’s Syndrome, Hyperthyroidism, Adrenal Tumors and Adrenal Hyperplasia.

What to expect?

Electrolysis is the removal of unwanted hair through the use of a sterile probe which is gently inserted to the base of hair follicle down to the papilla. A small amount of current or heat is distributed to destroy the hair follicle preventing another hair from growing. To insure that the hair follicle is destroyed electrolysis consists of a series of treatments. The amount of treatments you will need varies from person-to-person.  This may depend on the amount and thickness of the hair, genetics, hormonal balance, health conditions, and your prior methods of hair removal. When you come in for a consultation, we will create a customized appointment plan. It is important to have patience and remember that each appointment gets you one step closer to being permanently hair-free. It can take on average 8-18 months for full results. This variance is due to many factors and every patient is unique. The post-treatment sensation feels similar to a sunburn. Redness, swelling, scabbing and possible bruising may occur.

Is It Safe? 

Yes, electrolysis is safe for ALL skin and hair types. It’s even safe for tattoos, and is the only permanent hair removal method approved by the FDA. The machine being use is the Apilus Senior 3G model encompassing all the latest developments in the technology that makes your experience as efficient and comfortable as possible. However, it is important to alert your electrologist of all current and past health conditions because special attention must be paid to some including, but not limited to: diabetes, pregnancy, pacemakers, medications, topical creams, allergies to certain metals and latex. 

Who I am

Melissa is a licensed and insured medical electrologist. She has worked in the beauty industry for over 20 years specializing in aesthetics as well as cosmetology. She graduated from the Broward Beauty Institute at the top of her class. She is passionate about electrology and helping people to feel and look their best. She is committed and focused on the customer experience and satisfaction with the service.

I’ve been coming to MG Electrology for almost 2 months now. Melissa is amazingly knowledgeable, thorough, and truly empathetic. I struggle with autoimmune thyroid issues and inappropriate hormonal hair growth and am really starting to see a difference with the work that Melissa has done. Although to be honest I struggle with my patience but am amazed with difference I see already. I am beyond thrilled to have found Melissa and MG Electrology. 🙏🏼
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